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CFI Digest Request: Faculty Resources Section
The Center for Faculty Innovation (CFI) sends out a weekly email to all faculty during the academic year to highlight faculty development and academic culture activities. On a limited basis, the digest also includes events external to the CFI under a "Faculty Resources" section.  

Submissions must be received no later than 10 AM on the Wednesday prior to the digest announcement in order to be considered for inclusion. If you have questions about CFI's criteria for digest submissions, please contact us at cfi@jmu.edu.

Please answer the following questions if you would like us to include information in the Faculty Resources section.
First name
Last name
Event title (no more than 50 characters, including spaces)
Example: The Civic Arena: Media in the Ring.
Event description (no more than 180 characters, including spaces) 
Example: Presentations and conversation on the role media can and should play in encouraging civic engagement. Offered by the JMU Civic Engagement Task Force, JMuse Café, and JMU LET.
Sponsoring department or college
Event date & location (no more than 50 characters, including spaces) 
Preferred format is Day MM/DD, 1-1:30 PM in Location.  
 Example: Thu 9/22, 12:30-3 PM in Rose Library.
Link to event information, registration page, or sponsoring department's website.
Other information or event notes. 
Examples: Registration closes on 5/9, also offered on 10/10 in SSC, registration required
I understand that the CFI may have to edit the submission before publication.
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