
Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Request for Funding Form

To apply for consideration of funding for your event, please complete Request for Funding form as completely as possible.  Any questions can be directed to [email protected]

Requestor information:
What division do you represent?
What department do you represent?
Event Name
Event Date
Who is sponsoring this event:
Total estimated cost of this event:
Funding amount from other sources:  collaborators, grants and/or other departments or program funds:
Amount of request from Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
Short summary - include purpose/goal of the event, intended audience and why you feel support from the division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is valuable:
The Division Diversity, Equity & Inclusion of has social media. If appropriate, we would like to (a) acknowledge our sponsorship of your initiative and, (b) advertise your event on our social media. 
Are you willing to name the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as a sponsor on all your event advertisement material?
Is this initiative sustainable beyond one offering?
Is there anything else we should know as this request is considered?
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