
How satisfied are you with the frequency of communications you receive from the Office of Family Engagement at James Madison University?
If Unsatisfied or Very Unsatisfied, what frequency do you prefer?
If you answered Other, how frequently would you like to hear from the Office of Family Engagement?
How would you rate the messages you receive in the following ways?
Which communication channels do you find most effective in keeping you engaged? Check all that apply.
How often do you read and/or respond to communications from the Office of Family Engagement?
How often have you taken action as a result of communications sent by the Office of Family Engagement?
Has your family made a financial gift to James Madison University?
Which of the following events and programs offered by the Office of Family Engagement are you familiar with? Select all that apply.
Which of the following events and programs offered by the Office of Family Engagement have you attended? Select all that apply.
Do you feel that the Office of Family Engagement effectively communicates opportunities for involvement with the events listed above?
If you answered no to the question above, please explain why.
How can the Office of Family Engagement more effectively communicate, engage with, and involve families?
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