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Information about Alleged Incident(s) of Sexual Misconduct

I am a...
Your Contact Information
This is so we can get in touch with you in case we have questions for clarification. Please note: University employees (except those designated as confidential resources) have a duty to disclose to the Title IX Office all reports of sexual misconduct that they receive within the course of their employment.
Complainant(s) first and last name(s), if known
The complainant is the individual(s) alleged to have experienced harm.
The complainant(s) is a...
Respondent(s) first and last name(s), if known
The respondent is the individual(s) alleged to have caused harm. 
The respondent(s) is a...
Incident Description
In the space provided please share as much information about the alleged incidents(s) of sexual misconduct (such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation) as you are comfortable with. Please include, if known, the approximate date, time, and location of all incidents described. If you have attachments or documents you would like to provide, please email them to titleix@jmu.edu.
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