
Office of Youth Safety - Registration Form for Programs, Events, and Camps Working with Minors

Questions marked with a * are required
General Program, Event, and Camp (PEC) Information
Please fill out the following information for the camp you wish to hold at James Madison University, which involves minors.  Programs, Events, and Camps (PEC) which do not involve minors do not need to submit this form. 

If you have questions or concerns please reach out to the Office of Youth Safety at **youthsafety@jmu.edu**
Will this Program, Event, or Camp (PEC) be attended by minors (defined as people under the age of 18 who are not registered JMU students)
Name of Program, Event, and Camp (PEC)
Is this a:
What is the Expected Age Group of Attendees
Approximately how many participants will be attending
Approximately how many staff will be working/volunteering
Website for the Program, Event, and Camp (PEC)
Program, Event, and Camp (PEC) Start Date
Program, Event, and Camp (PEC) End Date
Are you requesting a Program, Event, and Camp (PEC) that is reoccurring or with multiple occurrences or sessions on this form?
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